Registration fee Sholarships

The IAEE2021 conference organizers are offering a limited number of registration fee scholarships to offset the conference registration costs only to students who will be presenting a paper or poster at the conference.

Applications can only be submitted after your abstract has been accepted. Registration Fee scholarships are awarded only to students that have had their papers accepted for presentation (in either a poster or concurrent session). This is done on a rolling basis (first-come, first served) until funds run out. No applications will be accepted after May 1, 2021. Only three scholarships are allocated to any one given academic institution. 

In exchange for receiving a registration fee scholarship, students may be asked to assist the conference organizers with certain tasks, such as assembling registration packets, helping with registration, or providing technical support to session chairs.

To be eligible for consideration, you must:

    • be a full-time student as of the application deadline;
    • be a member of IAEE in good standing. Membership information may be found at

Application materials must consist of:

    • Letter from applicant (see details below);
    • Letter from applicant's advisor or another faculty member familiar with your research (see details below).
    • The letter from applicant should:
      • state that you meet qualifications listed above (include photocopy of student ID);
      • briefly describe your energy interests and what you hope to accomplish by attending the conference;
      • provide the title and authors of your paper submitted for presentation;
      • provide the name and contact information for the faculty member who will be writing a letter on your behalf.

The letter from applicant's advisor or another faculty member familiar with your research should:

    • briefly describe your research interests, the nature of your academic program, and your academic progress;
    • state whether he or she recommends that you be awarded the conference fee scholarship.
Please submit all materials electronically in PDF format to Please activate javascript to view email address with "Application for Paris Conference Registration Fee Scholarship" in the subject line.  

Students who do not receive a fee scholarship may still attend the conference at at the reduced student registration rate. In order to qualify for the student rate, please submit a letter stating that you are a full-time student and are not employed full-time. The letter should provide the name and contact information for your main faculty advisor or your department chair and a copy of your student identification card. IAEE reserves the right to verufy student status. For further questions regarding the Registration Fee Scholarship, please contact David Williams at Please activate javascript to view email address